Saturday, March 14, 2009

A day in the life: Episode 1

A day in the life...

Welcome to a day in the life of me, Parker!
I, as you may already know, am a fun, enthusiastic and outgoing guy who's dream date is Miley Cyrus. A day in the life is an episode that I will be doing and every week I will be putting up a new post.
Every week I will come closer and closer to going on that one date with Miley Cyrus.
Welcome to my world.
Like a player once told me:
"If you want to get the cookie, you are going to have to stick your hand in the cookie jar."

So my journey begins!


About My Journey

Every person in this world has a dream or a fantasy. From MLK to Rob Dyrdek, we all have them.My dream is to go on one date with…Miley Cyrus. I know what you’re thinking right now, “who the hell is this guy?!”

Well, to tell you the truth, I’m Parker. I am an average Joe guy, not much different from any other person on this planet. I’m sixteen and only one month and two days younger than Miley Cyrus herself. Yes, we are a lot different in many ways. For example, Miley drives a Porsche (now it’s a Prius), I drive a Dodge minivan.
I am going to do everything in my power to achieve this one date with Miley. Whether it’s punching Justin Gaston in his computer enhanced cooch, or if I have to sell my minivan for a plane ticket to NYC just to see Miley, I will do it.

All I’m asking for is one date. I’m going to show the world that an average guy like myself really can get a date with a celebrity. I’m showing that you don’t have to be a celebrity to date a celebrity.
So come on and hop aboard and follow my blog to get that one date with Miley Cyrus.

Who knows, maybe I could be “that guy”…
